Assisted Living in Saugus

There are 17 Assisted Living Facilities in Saugus, CA.


Guide to Saugus Assisted Living



17 Assisted Living facilities are located in the city of Saugus, California and can accommodate the needs of your Loved One. Depending on their care needs, Assisted Living in Saugus has facilities that provide daily nutritional meals, bathing, grooming, dressing, medication management and more.

Assisted Living in Saugus can offer Seniors with amenities and conveniences in any of the 17 large or small facilities. Some examples would be furnished rooms, family dining rooms, activity rooms, wellness programs, beauty salons, spa and swimming pools and saunas. If Saugus residents need to go out, staff can take them to doctor appointments, religious services, outings to the park, movie theaters, shopping malls, and more.


When Do Seniors need Assisted Living in Saugus?

Seniors in Saugus will typically need Assisted Living in Saugus when it is unsafe to live by themselves at home or they need assistance with their ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). Residents living in Assisted Living in Saugus can either be independent, need Assisted Living or can be diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.


Types of Facilities in Saugus

The size of Assisted Living in Saugus facilities can vary from small, residential care homes to large “resort-style” Assisted Living communities. 

Depending on the size of the 17 facilities in Saugus, services and amenities can differ. Large communities can offer a broader range of amenities due to its size and staff while the smaller, residential care homes offer a more intimate, home-like atmosphere. 


Residential Care Homes in Saugus

Assisted Living in Saugus offers Residential Care Homes located are regular homes in the neighborhood that have been converted to care for 6 to 10 senior residents. These “home-feel” Assisted Living in Saugus homes are licensed by California’s State Licensing Division and permitted by the city of Saugus.

Assisted Living residents in Saugus residential care homes prefer a “home-like” intimate setting that they are used to at home. While there are many residential care homes that provide activities, pet and music therapy, fitness programs and more. Typically, the residents prefer to be with a smaller group of seniors.

With Assisted Living in Saugus smaller facility sizes and lower number of residents, the Caregiver-to-Resident Ratio in a Saugus residential care home is 1 Caregiver for every 2 to 3 residents.


Large Communities in Saugus

Assisted Living in Saugus’s Large Communities will look like a large resort or hotel with 50 to 200 residents. These Assisted Living in Saugus care facilities will usually be located in commercial areas and are also regulated by California’s State Licensing Department. These large senior living facilities can also have a secure Memory Wing that can keep residents suffering from Alzheimer’s safe from wandering.

Some nationally recognized Assisted Living in Saugus Communities are familiar names like Sunrise Senior Living, Brookdale Senior Living, Enlivant Senior Living, Atria Senior Living, Pacifica Senior Living, Belmont Village Senior Living, Senior Lifestyle, SRG Senior Living, MBK Senior Living, Oakmont Senior Living & Memory Care, Holiday Retirement, and Five Star Senior Living to name a few.

Seniors living in Large Assisted Living Communities in Saugus will typically prefer these types of Facilities due to the daily schedule of activities, higher levels of socialization with other residents, chef prepared meals, music and pet therapy, music and art classes, fitness classes and regular outings.

Due to the large size of the Assisted Living facility and larger number of residents, the typical Caregiver-to-Resident Ratio for Assisted Living in Saugus can range from 1 Caregiver for every 6 to 12 Residents in these types of facilities.


Saugus Assisted Living Costs



The average cost of Saugus Assisted Living is $4,500 per month (source: Genworth Financial). Whether your loved one prefers Saugus Assisted Living residential care homes or large Assisted Living communities, the lowest cost care and rent starts at $3,000 and can go as high as $7,500 depending on the level of care needs. 

To determine what considerations are a part of the monthly costs of Assisted Living Saugus, understand what influences assisted living costs and fees.


Paying for Care in Saugus

Paying for Saugus Assisted Living can be done through a variety of ways. Most residents and families in Saugus pay for care out of pocket or also called “Private Pay.” Other methods of paying for Saugus Assisted Living through Long Term Care Insurance, Veterans Aid and Attendance. 

Unfortunately, Medicare or Medicaid does not cover the costs of Assisted Living care and rent in Saugus. However, there are still many affordable care options on how to make paying for for  Saugus Assisted Living possible. 


Making Care Affordable in Saugus

Veterans Aid and Attendance

Veterans Aid and Attendance for Saugus Assisted Living is an important program offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This program provides supplementary benefits to veterans, their spouses, and surviving family members. The VA Aid and Attendance program in Saugus helps those who have served our country access necessary medical care and assistance with activities of daily living.

In order to qualify for these additional funds, a person must meet certain financial, medical, and service requirements. The amount of the benefit for Saugus Assisted Living depends on individual circumstances such as income level and other factors.

If you or a loved one may qualify for the VA Aid and Attendance program in Saugus, it’s important to reach out to organizations like American Veterans Aid or that can provide additional information about this benefit and help you complete the application process.

At times when our nation’s veterans need extra support, programs like VA Aid and Attendance for Saugus make sure they get the help they deserve. Our brave service men and women have given so much for this country; it’s time we protect and take care of them too.


Assisted Living Waiver

An Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) is a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver that provides Saugus Assisted Living services to elderly or disabled individuals who require assistance with personal care and household tasks.The ALW program pays for the costs of care in Saugus assisted living facilities for eligible people with Medicaid, allowing them to remain in their community as an alternative to residing in a licensed health care facility. 

Depending on the state, services provided in Saugus under the ALW program may include help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, transferring from bed to chair and back again, medication management, housekeeping, laundry services and more.


Medicare or Medicaid

Medicare does not pay for long-term care (Assisted Living or Memory Care) in Saugus. Medicare does, however, pay for those in hospital or nursing homes for stays usually up to 90 days. 

You can learn more by going to Medicare or Medicaid for more information.


Low Income Housing

Cost of senior living in Saugus can be out of reach for a lot of families. It can start as low as $2,500 per month and go higher than $10,000 per month depending on the level of care and location.  

If senior living seems out of reach for your or your loved one in Saugus, contact your State’s Department of Aging or Human Services for affordable care options. They will be able to help you or point you in the right direction. 


Finding Top Saugus Assisted Living


As someone who is looking for a new assisted living facility for themselves or their loved one, the task can seem daunting. But with the right approach, you can find the perfect fit in no time. Here are some tips on how to find an assisted living home that meets your needs:

  • Determine what type of care is needed – It’s important to determine exactly what kind of services and level of care is required before considering an assisted living facility. This will help narrow down the list of potential facilities.
  • Research each option thoroughly – Read reviews from current and former residents. Take the time to visit each facility in person to get a better understanding of its atmosphere and meet staff members face-to-face.
  • Ask questions – Once you’ve narrowed down your options, take the time to thoroughly explore each one before making a commitment. Ask questions about services offered, safety protocols, and other concerns to ensure that the facility is up to standard.


Where Can I Get Quality Assisted Living Guidance in Saugus?

Since 2007, Senior Care Homes provides free Senior Living in Saugus options to help seniors and families find the best-matched facilities based on budget, location and care needs. The process for finding the right care home or community can be overwhelming and daunting. SeniorCareHomes helps make the journey much easier for all of the families we’ve helped since 2007.

Contact one of our Expert Care Advisors today to get started for Senior Living in Saugus options at (877) 523-6523 x1 or fill out a quick form to get Assisted Living Care Options and pricing.


Saugus Assisted Living Tips and Resources


California Licensing for Assisted Living Saugus

The 17 Assisted Living Saugus Facilities are licensed, inspected and regulated by California’s Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division. Their responsibilities are to have the administrators currently licensed, inspect the Assisted Living Saugus facility before it opens, ensure the Assisted Living  facility is operating up to standards and the community residents are receiving good care.


10 Signs that it’s Time for Assisted Living in Saugus

Here are some signs that you can look out for observing your Loved One:

  1. Mobility Issues: Having a hard time walking, limping or showing pain when they walk. 
  2. Memory Problems: Not remembering important appointments or not taking their medication.
  3. Help with Hygiene: Not showering, smelly clothes, bad breath, forgetting to shave.
  4. Housekeeping Issues: Expired food with mold, laundry not washed or folded, bedroom and/or bathroom unclean.
  5. Driving Safety Issues: Scratches and dents on the car, tires under inflated, service light alerts
  6. Weight Loss: Noticeable, sudden weight loss, lack of food in the fridge or pantry
  7. Old Medication: Expired medicine bottles or unfulfilled prescriptions
  8. Inability to Communicate: Difficulty in communicating their feelings or emotions


How to Choose a Assisted Living in Saugus

  1. Understand Your Loved One’s Needs
  2. Know Your Senior Living Options
  3. Tour Multiple Assisted Living Facilities
  4. Ask the Right Questions when Touring
  5. Be Thorough When Touring
  6. Talk to the Residents
  7. Try the Food in the Dining Room
  8. Evaluate the Safety and Security Measures


Touring Checklist for Saugus

So you’re set and ready to tour Assisted Living Communities or Residential Care Homes in Saugus. Here are some important questions to ask when touring:

  1. Does the facility in Saugus offer personal care services and amenities that cater to my needs?
  2. Is the facility located nearby for family members & loved ones to visit?
  3. Is the facility located in a safe neighborhood?
  4. Is the facility within my budget?
  5. Is the entire facility accessible to walkers and wheelchairs?
  6. Are there grab bars & non-skid floors in the bathrooms?
  7. Is there a door alarm system if a resident wanders?
  8. Are call buttons located throughout the facility?


How to Talk to a Loved One About Moving

  1. Plan Ahead
  2. Use Empathy
  3. Be Honest
  4. Listed Actively
  5. Highlight the Benefits
  6. Involve them in the Decision
  7. Offer Support


How to Ease the Transition into a Facility in Saugus

  1. Involve them in the process
  2. Visit the Facility together
  3. Personalize their Living Space
  4. Encourages isolation
  5. Maintain regular contact
  6. Be Patient and Understanding
  7. Monitor their well-being
  8. Visit them as much as possible


Licensing and Regulation for Saugus

Assisted Living is regulated by the Department of Social Services and inspected by state officials. Every state has its own policies and guidelines. If the quality standards are not met, the state will not issue a license to the facility or for existing care facilities, the license will be revoked. This helps ensure the quality of senior care services in all assisted living facilities.


Frequently Asked Questions About Saugus Assisted Living


What types of services do Senior Care Facilities in Saugus provide?

These care facilities provide Assisted Living, Memory Care, Independent Living, Hospice Care and Memory Care in Saugus.

How many Assisted Living Facilities in Saugus are there?

There are approximately 17 facilities in Saugus.

How many residents live in an Assisted Living Facilities in Saugus?

In a residential care home, licensing usually allows 6 residents per home (depending on the state). In a large Assisted Living facility, there may be 50 to 100 or even more than 200 residents in a community.

Is a Nursing Home (Skilled Nursing Facility) the same thing as Assisted Living?

A lot of people get confused with so many terms. Usually, Nursing homes in Saugus are for patients who have serious medical conditions that will require 24-hour nursing assistance.

If your loved one needs day to day assistance like bathing, dressing, meds, toileting and grooming, then assisted living in Saugus would be a better fit.

 What are the Popular Assisted Living Facilities in Saugus?

The most popular Assisted Living facilities are Brookdale Senior Living, Sunrise Senior Living, Atria Senior Living, Pacifica Senior Living, Enlivant and more. If they are not located in Saugus, they are usually in higher populated cities.

How much does Assisted Living Facilities cost in Saugus?

Cost of care per month can start at $3,000 for Assisted Living, $5,000 for Memory Care and $2,500 for independent living in Saugus.

What determines the cost for Assisted Living in Saugus?

Costs in Saugus will depend on care needs, preferences and location of the resident and assessed by the staff before time to move in. 

What is the Veterans Aid and Attendance for Long Term Care? 

The Veterans Administration (VA) offers a special pension called VA Aid and Attendance that helps pay for care in an assisted living, memory care or nursing home facility in Saugus. 

This VA benefit is largely unknown and often overlooked by families of veterans or surviving spouses of veterans who need financial assistance to help care for aging loved ones in Saugus.

Are there Assisted Living Facilities in Saugus that accept Medicaid or low income housing programs?

You can go to and request them for a list of Assisted Living or Memory Care facilities in Saugus that take Medicaid.

Does Medicare pay for Assisted Living or Memory Care?

Medicare does not pay for long-term care in Saugus. They will pay for hospital or nursing homes for stays usually up to 90 days. You can learn more at for more information.


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  (State Licensed Certified Administrator / Co-Founder at SeniorCareHomes.Com)

Catharine “Kate” Allado is a Certified Administrator for Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) and an Expert Senior Care Advisor. Kate’s grandmother battled Alzheimer’s Disease and Kate personally understands what millions of families are going through. Kate and her team are very passionate in empowering Seniors and their families by providing them with the Best Available Senior Care Options based on Senior’s care needs, preferred location and family’s budget.


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