Moving for Seniors

How To Organize A Successful Senior Move

No matter how hard a family tries to help an elderly loved one stay in their own home, there comes a time when allowing a senior to live alone no longer makes sense. When a senior cannot properly take care of himself or herself anymore, the senior may need to leave their home and move […]

In-Home Care for Seniors

Is In-Home Care Right for You?

In-Home Care is becoming one of the most popular senior care options among seniors today. In-Home care allows seniors to stay in the privacy and comfort of their homes while getting customized senior care services. Most seniors don’t like the idea of having to go to a nursing home or assisted living facility simply because […]

Health and Wellness for Seniors

Guidelines To Successful Dieting For Seniors

It is neuropsychological proven that a diet can become a lifestyle when one understands the rationale behind it. The excitement of the moment may keep one’s interest for one to two weeks. We provide this diet so you may eat, play, and live a fulfilling life.   The Guidelines To Successful Dieting To Prevent Alzheimer’s […]

Senior Medical Conditions

Living Independently with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is always changing you. One day you may be able to do something, and the next day you may not. However, you can continue to live independently with Alzheimer’s during the early stages of the disease by making simple adjustments, taking safety precautions and having the support of others. 10 Tips to help […]

Caregiving for Seniors

How To Get Paid As A Family Caregiver

Disease and illness are often unwelcome companions to aging. While seniors try to hold on to their independence as long as they can, health problems can make it impossible for the elderly to continue taking care of themselves.   In This Caregiving Article:   Senior Caregiving Who are Family Caregivers Programs that Compensate Family Caregivers […]

In-Home Care for Seniors

Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Home Care Agency

In-home care provides an excellent option for individuals that wish to remain in the comfort of their own homes. Selecting the right resource for care and companionship at home for you or your aging loved ones can be a difficult decision. When hiring a home care agency or in-home care provider, it is important to […]

Health and Wellness for Seniors

Nutrition Recommendations For Cancer Patients

Your diet is an important part of your treatment for cancer. Eating the right kinds of foods before, during, and after your cancer treatment can help you feel better and stay stronger. In This Article: Recommended Diet For Cancer Patients Preparing Yourself For Cancer Treatment Recommendations about food and eating for cancer patients can be […]

Senior Living and Care

Common Misconceptions About Assisted Living

Updated: May 8, 2015 by Catharine D. Allado Assisted living has been one of the most popular senior housing options today. However, because of the common misconceptions about assisted living, some people are reluctant to move to assisted living facilities or assisted living communities. This article will enumerate and explain the common misconceptions and the […]

Safety for Seniors

Reduce Wandering in Alzheimer’s

Keeping the person with Alzheimer’s Disease safe is very important and can be one of the most challenging task when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. In This Alzheimer’s Article: Safe Environment For Alzheimer’s Patients Activities Suited For People with Alzheimer’s Establishing Daily Routine For Alzheimer’s Patients Safety Devices To Reduce Wandering in Alzheimer’s Visual Signs […]

Medication for Seniors

Drugs For Treating The Flu

Health care providers can prescribe medicines to help fight the flu. These medicines are called antivirals and can be taken to treat or prevent the flu. For example, flu antivirals can be given to treat someone who just became sick (within 2 days). When the medicines are given to someone who is already ill, the […]

Grief and Loss for Seniors

Grief During the Holidays

When we lose the people in our life that have always been there is a life-altering event. The holidays create even more pain to those who are suffering grief from the death of a loved one.It is a painful reminder of those who are no longer in our lives on a daily basis. What should […]

Travel for Seniors

A Guide to Health Management Holidays

Frequently marked by late nights and over-indulgence, holidays may sometimes leave you feeling more burnt-out and unhealthy. Taking occasional breaks from the stress and strains of everyday life is important for our health as well as maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. In This Health Management Holiday Article: What is Health Management Holiday? […]