Senior Living and Care

Difference Between Assisted Living and Memory Care

  As a senior care advisor, I always get asked about the difference between Assisted Living and Memory Care. A lot of people are confused and do not completely know what type of long-term care option would be best suited for their aging loved ones. The most common long-term care options today would be Assisted […]

Moving for Seniors

How To Make The Assisted Living Move Easier

  Perhaps one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make will involve moving your aging parents into an assisted living community.  The Assisted Living move can be a very emotional time for the family, especially for your aging parents in so many levels. During this process, try to be very patient and understanding. Remember, your […]

Senior Living and Care Universal Tips and Articles

Assisted Living Search Mistakes to Avoid

Last Updated: October 5, 2024 It is important to know the common assisted living search mistakes to ensure that you find the right facility that meets your elderly loved one’s care needs. Choosing the right assisted living is crucial since it will have a significant impact on their quality of life, health and happiness as they […]