Senior Living and Care

Converting Your California House Into a Senior-Friendly Home

Whether it is a new home or a home that has been in the family for generations, houses are not generally built with seniors in mind. Converting your home to be safe for seniors is essential if you plan for your loved one to live there for a long time. As we age, mobility and […]

Senior Living and Care Travel for Seniors

12 Tips for Traveling With Seniors

For a lot of seniors, retirement is an opportunity to explore several lovely sights around the world. They worked for many, many years and have saved enough so during their retirement years, seniors enjoy the luxury of traveling around the world to discover different cities and landmarks. They enjoy traveling with friend and families, especially […]

Senior Living and Care

The Challenges of Caregiving for Alzheimer’s Patients

Caring for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is a challenge a growing number of Americans are forced to accept. The more than five million Alzheimer’s sufferers are at least partially cared for by 15 million brave family members and loved ones — many of whom provide this service unpaid. The emotional and health toll […]

Senior Living and Care

Are You Ready for Retirement?

Finding the right time to retire can be difficult to pin down. Sometimes emotional needs do not exactly match financial needs; other times, factors such as an employer moving to another state or even certain body, health and mental factors may tell us when it is time to start a new chapter. No matter how […]