Legal and Finance for Seniors

Retirement Jobs – Best Jobs For Retirees

Approximately 35 percent of Americans over the age of 65 do not have a pension plan and live entirely on Social Security. Some people do have a small pension, but they may not have enough money to meet all of their needs. Other older adults work to remain active, or they may be trying to […]

Senior Medical Conditions

Reminiscence Therapy For Dementia Patients

Dementia is a thief. It can rob a person of so many important aspects of life. The ability to remember what just happened can cause many sufferers to stop connecting. They become afraid of saying the wrong thing, or sounding silly. They have a hard time grasping what is happening in the present and so […]

Health and Wellness for Seniors

Importance of Exercise in Alzheimer’s Prevention

Even a few decades ago, medical teams believed that people with Alzheimer's Disease were beyond all hope. These people were often doomed to spend their lives sitting in wheelchairs or lying in bed until their muscles became shrunken and useless. Luckily, things are much different today.   In This Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Article Benefits of […]

Senior Medical Conditions

How To Prevent Bedsores in Seniors

Prolonged pressure on the body that causes damage to the skin and underlying tissues is called a bedsore, pressure ulcer, decubitus ulcer or pressure sore. These ulcers tend to occur most frequently over bony prominences, such as the hips, heels, ankles, spine, elbows, shoulders, the back of the head or on the buttocks. The prolonged […]