PLEASE NOTE: No Patient Information or Employment Verification available
Windsor Place Retirement Home on 1850 Northeast 26th Street is licensed by the State of Florida to operate as a 72-bed care community for the elderly.
Windsor Place Retirement Home is a Large care community that is conveniently located in the peaceful neighborhood on 1850 Northeast 26th Street in Florida. This care community is a fully-furnished, Assisted Living facility that offers semi-private and private rooms to their residents.
Windsor Place Retirement Home of Florida offers Assisted Living services and amenities for their residents. For more Assisted Living information provided by Windsor Place Retirement Home, please contact (786) 541-0828
Windsor Place Retirement Home in Wilton Manors may help residents with assistance into and outside of the shower, clothing help, bathroom, washing, grooming and offer the convenience of a mobile barber or hairdresser. In regard to food prep, three regular, home-cooked dishes are provided to the residents at Windsor Place Retirement Home. If residents have raised BP, diabetes or other medical conditions, Windsor Place Retirement Home should be capable of providing specific meal plan modifications upon request. Although 24-hour awake caregivers, insulin injections, 2-person transfer is not provided by all Assisted Living facilities, certain ones might have caregivers or caretakers that may accommodate your Loved One. Ensure to check with the administrator at Windsor Place Retirement Home if your senior needs these services.
In regard to your Loved One’s awareness level, mobility and help necessities, Windsor Place Retirement Home might offer its residents entertainment, physical activity and a health program to keep them busy and lively. A few of these programs at Windsor Place Retirement Home may comprise music treatment, pet therapy, board games, and outside relaxation. Windsor Place Retirement Home can be capable of accommodating your Loved One with transit to doctor’s appointments, errands and faith-based services. Make sure to ask what services are offered by Windsor Place Retirement Home.
Assisted Living care homes and communities can change from the facility amenities they provide to their residents. Picking a residential care home or Assisted Living community with the right services and amenities that can best support your Loved One is very essential.
Windsor Place Retirement Home in Wilton Manors offers a broad selection of facility amenities that contains scheduled regular programs, movie night, fitness programs, music programs, creative programs, transportation arrangement and more. Other amenities that Windsor Place Retirement Home could provide are a reading room, hot tub, steam room or wellness area, barber or beauty shop, garden spaces, social night events, game rooms and much more.
Make sure to inquire what facility amenities are available by Windsor Place Retirement Home. Assisted Living facilities can change programs and amenities frequently, so it’s advisable to confirm with the manager and arrange a possible tour.
The starting price for Assisted Living at Windsor Place Retirement Home in Wilton Manors is $3,000 per month. Assisted Living can start as low as $3,000 and go as much as $7,000 based on numerous factors. At Windsor Place Retirement Home, these factors include the resident’s assistance needs (i.e., bathing, grooming, clothing, 24-hour supervision, medication management, specific meal adjustments), bedroom preferences (i.e., private or shared bedroom), facility amenities, facility neighborhood, when the home or community was built, and the resident’s care evaluation.
For comparison purposes, Assisted Living costs in the U.S. totals $5,350 (Source: Genworth Financial). For up-to-date rate and vacancy at Windsor Place Retirement Home please call (786) 541-0828 x1 for an accurate quote for your Loved One.
Spending for Assisted Living at Windsor Place Retirement Home will be done through various means. Most Seniors and their Loved Ones at Windsor Place Retirement Home pay money for care without insurance, also called "Private Pay." Other methods for paying for Assisted Living at Windsor Place Retirement Home are through Long Term Care Insurance, Veterans Aid and Attendance.
Windsor Place Retirement Home is governed by Florida’s Department of Social Services. The certification number of Windsor Place Retirement Home is 7345 and the facility is situated on 1850 Northeast 26th Street. Windsor Place Retirement Home is licensed for up to 72 Residents. If you would want information on this facility, please call the facility manager or you can get more information at (786) 541-0828.
Since 2007, has provided Free, Assisted Living Care Options in Wilton Manors. Expert Care Advisors guide Seniors and families discover the top-matched communities based on costs, location, and care needs.
The process of finding Assisted Living near Wilton Manors may be overwhelming and daunting. SeniorCareHomes helps the journey with their knowledge, experience, and compassion. To get an understanding on how we can help you find the right for residential care facilities or senior living communities, watch the short video Here.
Contact our knowledgeable care advisors today to get started for Wilton Manors Assisted Living options at (877) 523-6523 x1 or Click Here.
*If a Medical or Health provider is accessible
*NOTE: Available services and amenities listed earlier will vary per community. Costs will change contingent on bedroom type, services, amenities required and resident evaluation done by Windsor Place Retirement Home’s director.
Details and pictures may be for example reasons only. We strongly advise all individuals to inspect the community and get to know the staff and other Seniors. Please review our Terms of Use for more information.
For more complimentary details regarding Windsor Place Retirement Home or other Assisted Living alternatives and pricing in Wilton Manors, please call (786) 541-0828 and a Professional Care Advisor will be more than happy to help.
*Free Information & 100% No Obligation for Families. Ask your care advisor for any available Move-In Discounts. We respect and value your privacy. Marked pictures are for sample purposes only.
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*Free Information & 100% No Obligation for Families. Ask your care advisor for any available Move-In Discounts. We respect and value your privacy. Marked pictures are for sample purposes only.
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