A very bright, pretty private bedroom in an Assisted Living Care Home

Green Meadows Assisted Living, an Assisted Living Facility

2177 South Golden Court, Denver, Colorado, 80227 |
(877) 934-3200

PLEASE NOTE: No Patient Information or Employment Verification available

Intro to Assisted Living at Green Meadows Assisted Living

Green Meadows Assisted Living is an Assisted Living community conveniently located in the neighborhood of Denver, Colorado on 2177 South Golden Court. Green Meadows Assisted Living is licensed by the State of Colorado to provide Assisted Living care for the elderly for up to 6 Senior residents. This Assisted Living community in Colorado has private and semi-private rooms for their residents.

Green Meadows Assisted Living's goal is to create a caring Assisted Living environment that encourages independent lifestyle for the elderly and preserves personal dignity of each resident. Green Meadows Assisted Living’s goal is to give quality care possible to ensure that each resident’s needs are met at all times.

Green Meadows Assisted Living of Colorado on 2177 South Golden Court provides Assisted Living services and amenities for their elderly residents. For more Assisted Living information or other services offered by Green Meadows Assisted Living, please contact (877) 934-3200.

Assisted Living at Green Meadows Assisted Living

Green Meadows Assisted Living in Denver may help residents with assistance into and outside of the shower, clothing help, bathroom, washing, grooming and offer the convenience of a mobile barber or hairdresser. In regard to food prep, three regular, home-cooked dishes are provided to the residents at Green Meadows Assisted Living. If residents have raised BP, diabetes or other medical conditions, Green Meadows Assisted Living should be capable of providing specific meal plan modifications upon request. Although 24-hour awake caregivers, insulin injections, 2-person transfer is not provided by all Assisted Living facilities, certain ones might have caregivers or caretakers that may accommodate your Loved One. Ensure to check with the administrator at Green Meadows Assisted Living if your senior needs these services.

In regard to your Loved One’s awareness level, mobility and help necessities, Green Meadows Assisted Living might offer its residents entertainment, physical activity and a health program to keep them busy and lively. A few of these programs at Green Meadows Assisted Living may comprise music treatment, pet therapy, board games, and outside relaxation. Green Meadows Assisted Living can be capable of accommodating your Loved One with transit to doctor’s appointments, errands and faith-based services. Make sure to ask what services are offered by Green Meadows Assisted Living.

Amenities at Green Meadows Assisted Living

Assisted Living care homes and communities can differ from the facility amenities they provide to their residents. Selecting a residential care home or Assisted Living community with the appropriate services and amenities that can best support your Loved One is very crucial.

Green Meadows Assisted Living in Denver provides a broad variety of facility amenities that contains scheduled regular events, movie entertainment, exercise schedules, music programs, craft programs, transportation arrangement and more. Other amenities that Green Meadows Assisted Living may offer are a book room, spa, sauna or wellness room, barber or parlor, outdoor spaces, social night events, game areas and much more.

Make sure to ask what facility amenities are offered by Green Meadows Assisted Living. Assisted Living facilities can modify schedules and amenities frequently, so it’s advisable to check with the administrator and set up a possible tour.

Pricing for Green Meadows Assisted Living

The starting cost for Assisted Living in Denver is $3,000 per month. Assisted Living can begin as low as $3,000 and increase as much as $7,000 depending on various reasons. At Green Meadows Assisted Living, these factors include the elderly adult’s support requirements (i.e., cleansing, hygiene, clothing, round-the-clock supervision, med management, specific diet modifications), room preferences (i.e., private or shared bedroom), facility amenities, facility location, when the home or community was built, and the elderly adult’s assistance assessment.

For comparison purposes, Assisted Living pricing in the United States totals $5,350 (Source: Genworth Financial). For latest cost and availability at Green Meadows Assisted Living please contact (877) 934-3200 x1 for an accurate estimate for your Loved One.

Paying for Care

Spending for Assisted Living at Green Meadows Assisted Living will be done through various ways. Most residents and their families at Green Meadows Assisted Living pay money for care “Out of Pocket”, also called "Private Pay." Other options for paying for Assisted Living at Green Meadows Assisted Living are through Long Term Care Insurance, Veterans Aid and Attendance.

Licensing Info for Green Meadows Assisted Living

Green Meadows Assisted Living is governed by Colorado’s Department of Social Services. The certification number of Green Meadows Assisted Living is not available and the facility is situated on 2177 South Golden Court. Green Meadows Assisted Living is licensed for up to 6 Residents. If you would want information on this facility, please call the facility manager or you can get more information at (877) 934-3200.

Get Pricing & Availability

Since 2007, SeniorCareHomes.com has provided Free, Assisted Living Care Options in Denver. Expert Care Advisors guide Seniors and families discover the top-matched communities based on costs, location, and care needs.

The process of finding Assisted Living near Denver may be overwhelming and daunting. SeniorCareHomes helps the journey with their knowledge, experience, and compassion. To get an understanding on how we can help you find the right for residential care facilities or senior living communities, watch the short video Here.

Contact our knowledgeable care advisors today to get started for Denver Assisted Living options at (877) 523-6523 x1 or Click Here.

List of Services and Amenities

Individual Services at Green Meadows Assisted Living

  • 24-Hour Staff
  • Dressing Assistance
  • Bed Transferring Assistance
  • Eating, Cleansing and Toileting Assistance
  • Room Cleaning
  • Clothing Services
  • Individual Hygiene and Grooming
  • Travel to: Doctor’s check-ups, shopping, worship, etc.

Medical Services at Green Meadows Assisted Living

  • 24-Hour Nurse Assistance
  • Coordination with Medical Care Providers
  • Facility Hospice Care Waiver
  • Hoyer Lift
  • Diabetes Shots*
  • Dementia Waiver
  • Prescription Administration
  • Moderate Cognitive Decline
  • Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Oxygen Assistance
  • Physical Rehabilitation
  • Pharmaceutical Coordination
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Speech Rehabilitation

 *If Nurse or Healthcare provider is available

Well-being Services at Green Meadows Assisted Living

  • Arts & Crafts Programs
  • Literature Reading
  • Recreation Programs
  • Fitness and Health Programs
  • Periodic Wellness Examination
  • Music Treatment
  • Pet Therapy
  • Social and Leisure Programs

Dining Services at Green Meadows Assisted Living

  • Diabetes Diet
  • Dining Rooms
  • Visitor and Personal Dining
  • Food Prep (3 Regular Dishes)
  • Snacks during the day
  • Special Dietary Limits

Amenities at Green Meadows Assisted Living

  • Air Conditioning
  • Stylist and Parlor
  • Exercise Area
  • Game Area
  • Outdoor Area
  • Reading Area
  • Cinema Nights
  • Hot Tub, Sauna and Wellness Area
  • Phone Call Button

*NOTE: Obtainable services and amenities mentioned earlier will differ by community. Costs will change contingent on bedroom style, services, amenities needed and resident evaluation completed by Green Meadows Assisted Living’s administrator.

Description and pictures may be for sample purposes only. We highly advise all families to inspect the community and get acquainted with the staff and other Seniors. Please read our Terms of Use  for more information.

For more free information concerning Green Meadows Assisted Living or other Assisted Living choices and pricing in Denver, please contact (877) 934-3200 and a Professional Care Consultant will be more than glad to assist.

Location of Green Meadows Assisted Living

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  • Starting at $3,000/month*
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  • *Limited Availability*
  • Starting at $3,000/month*
  • Current Room Pricing
  • Quick Response & Accurate Info
  • Free – No Cost to You
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*Free Information & 100% No Obligation for Families. Ask your care advisor for any available Move-In Discounts. We respect and value your privacy. Marked pictures are for sample purposes only. 

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