How To Improve Memory Loss and Fight Alzheimer’s

How To Improve Memory Loss and Fight Alzheimer’s

Updated: April 23, 2015 by Dr. Vincent Fortanasce, MD

We all know Alzheimer’s is a deadly disease and now the 6th Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Before we knew only a little bit about Alzheimer’s and that it was something “you get when you grow older.”
Now that more research has been done and we’ve learned more about it, did you know there’s a chance to fight it? We can even slow down Alzheimer’s and our featured doctor, Vincent Fortanasce, M.D., will show you How to Improve Your Memory.
In This Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Article:

D.E.A.R Program For Alzheimer’s Prevention
The Anti-Alzheimer’s Diet
Daily Anaerobics for the Body and Brain
Brain Boosters
Rest and Recovery for Alzheimer’s

The Problem: Modern medicine has failed us since the turn of the 20th century. Life span has increased 35 years, but brain span not a single day. The most feared illness in those over 50 years old is losing one’s mind- Alzheimer’s disease. (Paradise Magazine) Our sedentary lifestyle coupled with a poor diet and stressful lifestyle has contributed to the dramatic increase in cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, joint and spine disease and a myriad list of maladies.

Fact: Alzheimer’s disease is reaching epidemic proportions. It is a disease most prevalent in affluent American and European societies. Since 1950, Alzheimer’s disease has increased tenfold in those over 65 and twenty fold in those under 65, despite our standard of living increasing almost three fold. At 70 years of age, 20% have significant cognitive problems. At 85, 50% have Alzheimer’s disease. The most disturbing statistic is that 70% of people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease ( 5.4 million in the USA ) are put in nursing homes within 2 years, where they will remain away from their family and home for an average of 6.5 years.

Despite medical hype there are no drugs on the horizon to significantly delay dementia. The only solution agreed upon by all is Prevention.

The “SAD Lifestyle” contributes to Alzheimer’s disease and many other serious health problems.

Advanced age Dietary ( high carbs / trans-fat )


D.E.A.R Program: The Four Step Anti- Alzheimer’s Disease Program

Dr. Vincent Fortanasce’s D.E.A.R Program, a 4-step Anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription is the first scientifically substantiated program ever to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Written from the unique perspective of a board certified neurologist, psychiatrist, and neurological rehabilitation specialist and one of our nation’s foremost authorities on brain’s disorders, the 4-step Anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription is a groundbreaking diet and lifestyle plan for dealing with what Newsweek magazine calls the “greatest socioeconomic crisis just around the corner.”

The D.E.A.R program’s goal is to prevent Alzheimer’s disease is those with no genetic pre-disposition and to delay it 10 to 15 years in those with a genetic pre-disposition. The four month clinic program is based on a 4-step medically-proven plan from The Anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription, by Dr. Vincent Fortanasce.

While the primary focus of the D.E.A.R program is Alzheimer’s prevention; following these simple lifestyle and dietary modifications can also prevent or lesson the symptoms of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, joint and spine disease and many other health issues. Our program is not just about living longer, it is about living better.



Diet Exercise Accentuating your brains reserve Rest and recovery

Step #1: The Anti-Alzheimer’s Diet: Food for Thought

In Step 1, Dr. Fortanasce explains to participants that it’s not only “what” we eat that’s important in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, it’s also the proportions, combinations, types and amounts of nutrients, and specific supplements that help to maximize the hormonal enzymatic, and biorhythms that control an optimal state of neuronal health and mental capacity.

Participants in the program are asked to follow the Anti-Alzheimer’s Food Guide Pyramid, using a food ratio at each meal that is one-third carbs, one-third protein, and one-third good fats. Dr. Fortanasce explains that this proportion is vital to maintain one’s hormonal balance of insulin and glucagons, which is essential for brain health. They will also learn about specific foods, nutrients, and natural dietary supplements that work to protect the brain from disease and even heal the brain from injury. As an example, blueberries are filled with anthocyanins, special chemicals that give them their dark purple color and incredible healing power. In studies, blueberries show a significant reversal in motor dysfunction and dopamine (a neurotransmitter and “messenger”) deficiency that correlates with aging. Food is high in folate (spinach, chickpeas) reduce the risk of cognitive dysfunction. Eating just one fish meal a week is associated with a 60 percent reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (Rotterdam and Chicago studies), while eating meat may increase the risk of pro-inflammatory markers linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Curcumin, an antioxidant and component of the spice turmeric, reduces oxidative damage and decreases beta-amyloid peptides in the brain by 43 to 50 percent. Supplementing the diet with at least 400.

Step #2: Brawn Boosters: Daily Anaerobics for the Body and Brain

With a black belt in karate and an Olympic athlete with a Gold Medal in the Junior Olympics, Dr. Fortanasce knows the importance of physical activity, both personally and professionally. Physical exercise stimulates human growth hormone; regulates blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and blood lipids; and helps to maintain a normal weight. Exercise also increases blood flow to the brain, which is necessary for quick thinking and creativity. In Step 2, Dr. Fortanasce teaches his recommended daily regimen of Anti-Alzheimer’s Brawn Boosters – specific physical activities and exercises for participants to undertake which he calls the “3 Ss – Stretching, Strengthening, and Stepping” – all to boost brawn and brain power.

Isometric Exercises to Avoid Alzheimer’s

Included are some basic isometric exercises that will increase strength, bulk, and lean body mass. By isometric exercise we mean strength training without movements of a joint. It is performed by using the force of one limb against another, or a limb or body part against an immovable object such as the floor or a wall.

In the 1964 Olympics, the American weightlifting team which had been invincible prior to this time, suddenly became a second-rate team behind the Soviet Block Countries, part of the reason for this was the Soviets understanding of physiology and their use of isometric exercises that maximized the strengthening of Type II muscle fibers while minimizing the chances of injury to the joint.

Note: isometric exercises can be done home, alone, and without equipment, and is the best way to increase one’s strength.

The Effects of Aging

This is research reviewed by the Fortanasce and Associated staff. Here you will learn about aging and one’s musculoskeletal system. You are not a victim of aging, you can be in control.

Step #3: Brain Boosters: Daily Neurobics for the Brain

So what keeps a brain from growing and rewiring? A dearth of stimulation. Findings show that people who are less educated and who do not challenge themselves mentally have three to four times the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. In this step, Dr. Fortanasce teaches program participants the “use it or lose it” principle with the brain and how “neurobics” or training for the mind can help build a big brain. Scientific studies show that when people use their brains in challenging ways, more blood flows into neural regions and new connections form. Giving yourself daily “brain boosters,” such as math problems, sections to read aloud, lists to memorize, organizational tasks, and more can help. In addition, Dr. Fortanasce divides these “brain boosters” into categories, including Memory, Visualization, Thinking, and Reasoning.

Step #4: Rest and Recovery: Finding Your Circle of Quiet

Dr. Fortanasce wants participants in his program to understand the deleterious effects of lack of sleep and chronic stress on the brain. For instance, he’s identified a link between snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and Alzheimer’s disease and explains the science that supports this link. He’s also found that people who are chronic worriers (“the worried well”) are twice as likely to develope some form of dementia. Even autopsy reports confirm the link between stress and dementia, showing fewer tentacles or dendrites linking the brain cells in people who were identified as being under chronic stress. In this step of his program, Dr. Fortansce explains the science, and then outlines a practical and proven plan for participants to sleep well and give their brains time without stress.

Dr. Fortanasce also discusses the spiritual meditation, the left frontal gyrus, the center of optimism. The importance of both religion and spirituality is explained with studies that link religion, prayer, meditation, and optimism with optimal health and less worry with aging. No matter what their belief system, all participants are instructed in how to increase a spiritual awareness in their own lives.

In the last part of the program, Dr. Fortanasce explains all about the Diagnosis,Treatment, and Future of Alzheimer’s disease, giving pertinent information on selecting the best doctor, understanding the various medications, and his personal and professional take on the Alzheimer’s vaccine, stem cell research, genome therapy, and other highly publicized treatments. Then he explains Home Insurance, the FIVE method, to assure oneself home rather than the impersonal of a nursing home.
The older we get the more grudges we hold and the more forgiveness we need for those who have trespassed against us. That is how we see it. Those trespassers may in fact feel trampled upon themselves. Be it that you are the trampled or the trampler, one thing for sure is that there is a lot of bad feelings and heartbreak.

My years as a psychiatrist and neurologist and a Father, Husband, and friend to many have taught me that whenever one has bad feelings, heartbreak, they also have anger and not infrequently hold grudges. It is those grudges, more than the heartbreak, that causes the damage, not only to the spirit, but also to the brain itself. The following review hopefully will help in understanding anger and how to let it go. Those who don’t will in fact cause not only damage to those trespassers, but definitely damage to their own bodies and souls.

It is well-known that people who are able to forgive, rather than those who hold onto it, have a decrease in cardiovascular disease, a decrease in blood pressure, and an overall improvement in mood and a decrease in depression.

In one study done, at Hope College in Michigan, 71 people were asked about transgressions that had been done to them. They found that once they had forgiven the transgressor, their blood pressure showed a marked decrease and overall they had decreased coronary artery disease. This is one of many studies.

There are three steps we talk about for forgiveness.

  1. Refusing to see oneself as a victim. For instance, if a husband leaves his wife the wife should not consider herself a victim, but rather that she was a devoted person and was stronger than her spouse.
  2. Empathize, however, do not condone what had been done. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes so to say.
  3. Don’t think forgiving will give full relief. Often one who does the transgression does not see it that way, but remember by forgiving it lets you move on. You do not waste time.

Here some quotes on anger and forgiveness to contemplate:

  • “Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.” -Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac
  • “Don’t get mad, don’t get even, get ahead.” -Christopher Matthews
  • “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” -Proverbs 15:1
  • “It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.” -St. Francis of Assisi

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About the Author: Dr. Vincent Fortanasce is a renowned bio-ethicist, author, and radio show host with twenty years experience dealing with medical issues on a national and international level. His rehabilitation center was ranked in the top 10 on the West Coast in 2003, and Dr. Fortanasce was selected as in the top 100 physicians in Los Angeles County and Best Physicians in the USA in 1998. Over the past decade, he has treated such notables as the Dali Lama and Pope John Paul II.

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Published by
Kate Allado | Senior Advocate / Care Advisor

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