It’s tough to lose a loved one, especially if you have been married to your spouse for several years. Adjusting to life without your partner is the most challenging part. The transition can be very traumatic. However, the most important thing now is to plan the funeral.


Planning a funeral for you spouse can be very stressful and overwhelming if you don’t have the proper guidelines.

It’s already tough enough to deal with your emotions, so to make things a little bit easier, we have put together these simple tips to help you in the planning process.



  1. Ask your children, close family members or friends to help you as you will need to make several important decisions over a short period of time. It will be a great help if they can go with you to your appointments and help you out in several things.
  2. Make a list of things you need to do to help you remember everything.

  3. Ask for the death certificate and make copies, as you will need this to make legal arrangements later on.

  4. Decide on a funeral home. It is advisable to ask your relatives and friends for recommendation. Otherwise, be sure to do some comparison-shopping. You might also want to visit your local funeral homes and talk to the funeral director for more information.

  5. Make a decision on how to transport your spouse’s body to the place where it will be cared for. Take note that if your spouse died at home, you will have to call a funeral home to make transport arrangements, but if your spouse died in the hospital, they will arrange it as long as you tell them the name of the funeral home you have selected.

  6. Choose between a coffin for burial and urn for cremation. If you decide to bury your spouse’s body, you will have to decide whether to open or close the coffin for the ceremony. It will be also necessary to select the clothing to be used.

  7. Pick a date and time for the funeral.

  8. Choose the type of service you prefer. Do you want a traditional, non-traditional, military service, etc.?

  9. Contact your local church or the venue where you decide to hold the funeral to check for availability.

  10. Pick the type of flowers and music for the viewing, funeral service, and gravesite. If necessary, you will have to select pallbearers, scripture readers and eulogists.


When all the arrangements are done, you will then have to:

    • Call family and friends to inform them of the death. You may also want to ask them if they would be interested to offer any prayers, songs, and speech during the funeral.
    • Provide necessary information for obituaries.

    • Arrange for catering services for food and drinks.



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